Mesa Facilty
Greenleaf currently serves waste disposal needs in the Piceance Basin and surrounding areas. Greenleaf accepts both water and solids Exploration and Production wastes and non-Exploration and Production like wastes. Greenleafs central location provides for the most economical disposal in the area. We are Located only 7 miles from DeBeque, CO. With consideration of both trucking and disposal Greenleaf offers the most cost-effective wastewater disposal available. Wastewater is treated to an industrial and industry reuse standard and placed into an evaporation pond or injected. Treatment allows for greater evaporation volumes and future permitted beneficial use. All Solids are treated to an industrial or residential standard and placed in certified section 3 impoundments. Greenleaf operates with an established financial assurance fund for future closer activities ensuring little cradle to grave liabilities for waste producers. Greenleaf’s future focus is providing permitted beneficial reuse for all waste streams.